the guy who liveblogged the Osama raid without knowing it

… is what I am for the next few hours on twitter. I am too tired and sleepy to blog or talk about it though, but I guess it is finally time to revive this abandoned blog. Maybe tomorrow…


  1. VWhiteside says:

    Thank you for having the presents of mind to handle this situation. Bless your wife and son’s recovery and may good deeds come your way.

  2. Tahar says:

    hi, how do you fel yourself after this event. DO you real think that OBL was in Abbottabad. Me, i don’t think.


  3. The guy says:

    “without knowing it” ahahahahhaa.. This is good 😉

  4. Katie says:

    Haha, “maybe tomorrow”. A phrase that is near and dear to people’s hearts these days. It is a good thing to rest at the end of a long day. 🙂

  5. Scott says:

    It was really interesting to read your tweets from the raid. I loved understanding your perspective of what was happening!

  6. great time to start this again 😉

  7. dedunu says:

    congratz um 4rm ma 4n othrws ill join and follow ur blog i saw ur name on our daily nwsppr congrtz again

  8. This is truly an amazing story. I am sure you have mixed feelings about the notoriety this has brought you.. I wish you and your family the best and pray for your continued safety. God bless you and may God bless Pakistan.

  9. Robert says:

    In the future, all news will be reported in real-time by folks who don’t know what’s going on.

  10. shawn says:

    Looking forward in reading your blogs..good day sir!

  11. You unwittingly became the sole and real-time reporter of an event that has shaken the world. Life surprises, yes?

  12. julien says:

    Hello Sohaib ! I hope you are fine and not to harrassed !!! I make documentaries for French TV. My colleague thomas already send you a mail.
    I anm today in abbotabad. Would it be possible to see you there ?
    Feel free to call me on 03005008168.
    Thanks a lot ! See you !


  13. Karan Batra says:

    With the kind of response you are getting for your tweets and the PR you’ve been able to develop overnight, i believe it would a good opportunity for you to cash in on all this via your blog. Best of Luck.

  14. Madmatt says:

    You witness history man…

  15. marcos says:

    Please! I know it’s a pain… but for many of us… it would be great if you keep the blog with more info *from your perspective*…

    Hope you’re OK!!!


  16. Nick says:

    Sounds like you’ve been through some rough times recently. Hope life over there is looking up.
    Great tweeting about the Osama story! Keep up the good work.


  17. Bren says:

    Looking forward to the updates. Stay safe.
    Regards from South Africa.

  18. Sarah says:

    In that case, I look forward to tomorrow.

  19. aLI says:

    The most wanted criminal by USA was hiding in pakistan, and the pak govt/army/isi didn’t know a thing about it……YE BAT HAZAM NAHI HOTI !!

  20. #wheresthebeefy says:

    I read through your blogs and have to say they are really informative. Thank you! And now that you are about to be an internet sensation, post a link to your blog on your twitter, add some adsense, and viola, some extra money for your time lol. Good luck to you and stay safe I look forward to future blogs.