Archive for July 2007

WordPress Image Gallery Woes

Why is it so hard to have a photo album integrated into WP?! I have thousands of pictures on my harddisk taken over the last 10 years or so that I want to upload, Flickr doesn’t give the control that I want. This week, I took out my rusty Canon G6 (well, not rusty but […]

Why I’m not quitting smoking yet

… I don’t want to end up like this

Book Sequels Suck

I stopped watching TV more than 5 years ago, and never had a regret. A combination of DVDs, RSS Feeds and books gives a much better value-for-money (assuming time is money) than surfing 100+ cable channels, and (mostly) no ads. I have one complaint though, the life cycle of a good scifi series or saga […]

Burqa – An Escape from the Heat

I don’t understand why everyone in Lahore is talking about Burqa today, did I miss something? I personally think burqas are cool, and was glad to find out that I am not the only one. Here’s my own list (in no particular order) of why burqa (or is it burka?) should become the blue jeans […]