Archive for July 2007

Pakistan’s Haier Edukation Instillations, Kwality Ashorance and PTCL Broadband

I read about HEC's discounted rates for the PTCL broadband for people affiliated with their institutes, and was going to ask my younger brother (who teaches at NUCES) to get me a connection, but it turned out that their ONLINE subscription form link is dead. Sad irony. Stripping down the port :88 from the URL […]

My Obligatory Harry Potter Post

Yes I read it. No, it wasn’t anything exceptional, just a typical end to a boilerplate fantasy tale with all the right ingredients. No, I didn’t spot any genius in the writing. No, I don’t see what the fuss is all about. Yes, I feel that every blog post (this one included) that has nothing […]

Moving hosting to Linux

I’ve had enough of webhost4life and Windows hosting, and will be moving to a (borrowed) Linux based server today. The move will change the DNS, so the blog may be inaccessible for a day or so. I’ll leave this subdomain running for a while, but I’m expecting the URLs to get prettier (no more /index.php/), […]

WordPress Comments Messed Up with Redirection … and the Hack

Read the comments 🙂

I Built the Empire State Building

There this Indonesian Lotte Puzzle gum sold for Rs.10 (18 cents) these days which comes with two gum sticks and a cardboard/plastic model/puzzle pieces that my son really likes. Last week we got the Taj Mahal, this week it was the Empire State Building. There are no instructions (uh its a puzzle), so I saved […]